Limited time offer: $100 off over any job $400!

Call now to get an estimate on your stump grinding, brush mowing or land clearing project and claim this offer.

About us

A team of reliable and experienced operators

When you call Sound Stump Removal for stump grinding services in the Monroe and Snohomish, WA area, you can expect efficient service and affordable prices. Describe your stump situation, and we can give you an estimate on the spot. Using specialized equipment, we'll remove all traces of your stump and leave your yard looking better than ever.

About Sound Stump
Stump removal services

A comprehensive set of services

Ready to start grinding? Get an estimate today.

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Fast, affordable and fair. Brian responded within minutes and was on site the next day.
Joshua C.
Why us

Timely and lasting results that can't be beaten

A team of expert operators ready to help you. Give us a call or send us an email today to get a quote on your project.

Over 25 years of experience
1,000+ successfully executed projects
Exceptional work quality
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